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New Year, New You…New Bike?

It’s that time of year, when everyone around you is making (and then desperately trying to keep) resolutions for the upcoming year. The most popular resolution is surely – I would like to live a healthier lifestyle or, I want to get fit this year…And what
about you? Did you start 2018 thinking – “yes, [...]

It’s that time of year, when everyone around you is making (and then desperately trying to keep) resolutions for the upcoming year. The most popular resolution is surely – I would like to live a healthier lifestyle or, I want to get fit this year…And what about you? Did you start 2018 thinking – “yes, this year I WILL do more exercise” … and by now you’re starting to remember why you don’t do a lot of exercise – the sore back, the bad knees, and so on.

As we get older and try to get back into shape, it’s kinda embarrassing to realise how far we’ve let ourselves go isn’t it?

As we age our body loses stamina and strength and our joints are just not as resilient as they once were!

Fortunately, our egos recover much faster!

It’s really important to get in cardiovascular exercise (at any age but most definitely after 45ish) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as riding a bike, each week. And this is where we (as in Dyson Bikes) step in – with our achey backs, and dodgy knees – regular cycling just makes things worse…but hop on an electric bike and your body is back to being a kid again!

It’s true! You’ll ride further, have fun AND not hurt yourself!

There are countless studies that have been performed all over the world – that show the health benefits of riding an e-bike (just take a look at some of our previous blog articles). And the biggest thing that comes out of every study – and every e-bike owner is that they ride more frequently than they ever did before.

It’s one of the great joys of working for an electric bike company such as Dyson Bikes – so often a bike is bought for one half of a couple and a few months later said couple come back and buy another one for the ‘other half’ so they can join in the fun!

We offer a wide range of e-bikes – the Tilba is perfect for women who haven’t ridden in a while, or are a little on the short side (like myself), the Bondi is great for men or women who are after a step through, our Hard Tail Evo and Mixte are one of the best bikes around and the Adventure Folding is great for those short on space. Pop into your nearest bike shop and take a ride – or visit us at Mulgrave.

Riding an electric bike is a great way to get back into exercising. It is low impact, but high on health benefits.

Now I just have to find a way to be able to stick to the healthy DIET I promised myself this year…
